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Use your online banking to donate
money directly into our
 bank account.

Our account details;
Bank - HSBC
Account Name - Cancer Support Salisbury
Sort Code -  40-40-14
Account No -  12312409



You can donate cash,
in person, at the
drop in centre during its
opening hours on

Wednesday 9.30am - 11.30am
Thursday 2.00pm - 5.00pm 



Simply drop a cheque in the Post to;

Cancer Support Salisbury
c/o The Meeting House
51 Wilton Road

 Salisbury, SP2 7EP

Please make  cheques payable to
Cancer Support Salisbury.



Setting up a standing order
with your bank is a great way to
ensure that we receive regular
donations to enable the centre to
continue operating.
It is an enormous help to us in
being able to plan for the future
  knowing we have regular funding
from people like you!


Cancer Support Salisbury relies on your generous donations to be able to keep our service operating. 

All donations, however small are very gratefully received.

( For us to be able to acknowledge, and thank you for your generosity, please do send us a message via our contact page, our system is not currently set up to respond automatically. However, we much prefer the old-fashioned way of sending a personalised " thank you"! )


Thank you so much for your support!


You can use a great website called Easyfundraising to help raise money for Cancer Support Salisbury - simply by shopping online.

















Easyfundraising turns your everyday online shopping into FREE donations when you

use it to shop with over 3,600 retailers such as Amazon, eBay, John Lewis, Argos,

NEXT and

The retailers then make a small donation to say ‘thank you’ and Easyfundraising gives those free funds to the cause.


Please register by clicking on this unique link – just search for 'Cancer Support Salisbury' and then click ‘support us’


Plus, once you’ve signed up and raised £5 in donations, Easyfundraising will give us an extra £5 donation.


There’s no catch or hidden charges and Cancer Support Salisbury will be really grateful for your donations.


c/o The Meeting House

51 Wilton Road

Salisbury    SP2 7EP

United Kingdom

We are supported by


Registered Charity No - 1193633

07926 841698

© 2020 Cancer Support Salisbury

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