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Complementary therapies are used alongside, or in

addition to, conventional medical treatments.


Whilst they do not claim to treat or cure cancer, many

people are choosing to use complementary therapies to

help support with their physical and emotional health,

to relieve symptoms and side effects of medication.


Some of the ways in which our therapies may help you:

• Feel better and improve your quality of life

• Reduce stress, tension and anxious feelings

• Improve the quality of your sleep

• Feel more in control by making a positive lifestyle change.


Our therapists Rachel and Mike, are both highly trained,

fully insured, and each have many years of different experiences under their therapeutic belts!


At Cancer Support Salisbury we can offer you many non clinical treatments, which are provided to all those

affected by a cancer diagnosis, this includes carers,

partners, husband, wife and family members too.


Aside from providing a warm welcome, friendly faces, and endless refreshments, all of our befrienders have completed listening and responding skills training, and can offer practical and emotional support to anyone who visits our drop-in.
You may wish to come in and chat about
your situation, treatment, or perhaps
need some help with resourcing
information. Whatever the purpose of
your visit to us, our befrienders listen
without judging and always aim
to protect confidentiality.
There is often quite a lot of laughter
involved too, as we all enjoy a
good sense of humour!
Our befriending is available at any time without an appointment during
our opening hours:
Wednesday 9am - 11am and
Thursday 2.00pm - 5.00pm .


Our counselling service can help you to make sense of your experiences around cancer. Many people find some of the emotional or mental aspects to be more impactful than the physical ones. Counselling can offer you a space to explore any thoughts and feelings you are experiencing
in a non-judgemental ‘space’.
Counselling may help you to:
· Find space to better understand what is happening to you or a loved one
· Feel understood, no matter what you are thinking or feeling
· Learn techniques and coping strategies
· Feel empowered at a time that might feel overwhelming
Our counsellor, Kate, is trained as a Transactional Analysis therapist, fully insured, and has over five years’ experience working with clients. Transactional Analysis is a humanistic approach which can help us understand how we function psychologically in order to facilitate personal change and growth.
In order for our counsellor to best support you your first session will be an Assessment session. This enables our counsellor to understand what you would like to get out of counselling, and help you to plan your counselling goals. This Assessment session will also be a chance for you to get to know our counsellor as it is important that you feel comfortable talking to them.
Each counselling session, including your assessment, will last for 50 minutes.
We do understand that sometimes you might need to cancel your appointment, and ask that you advise us as soon as possible, so that we may potentially offer the session to another.
All information will be treated confidentially, and in accordance with GDPR Regulations.
*To help us help as many people as possible, we do ask you for a minimum donation of £5.00 per session. We are reliant on self-funding, and this will support our fundraising efforts so much more.


Classes for cancer patients and their carers



Cancer Support Salisbury offers Yoga and Meditation classes to support you and your family  as you go through cancer diagnosis and treatment.


Yoga Classes

Gentle movement, breathwork and relaxation for health and wellbeing.

Every fortnight on Wednesdays at 9.30am


Meditation Classes
Seated practices to cultivate peace of mind and support recovery.

Every fortnight on Thursdays at 2.00pm


If you would like to attend please contact Susan to arrange an initial short meeting to discuss your particular health and wellbeing needs. Classes take place during the Wednesday and Thursday drop-in sessions at the Quaker Meeting House – you’re welcome to stay for a drink and a chat afterwards.


About the Teacher:

Susan Stephenson is a qualified teacher of yoga and meditation

with 25 years teaching experience. For more information see:


For more information and booking: email


We would be grateful for a minimum donation of £5.00 per class, to help support our fundraising efforts.

c/o The Meeting House

51 Wilton Road

Salisbury    SP2 7EP

United Kingdom

We are supported by


Registered Charity No - 1193633

07926 841698

© 2020 Cancer Support Salisbury

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